
Neuro Coaching

Also known as brain coaching is a structured practice of teaching or coaching based on brain (neuro) research, and it covers the important development areas of cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, neuroplasticity and behavioural techniques.

People who want to plan and achieve goals will benefit from the brain-based approaches of neuro coaching as it:
• Facilitates accelerated, positive change and lasting growth;
• Improves the quality of thinking;
• Effectively helps in generating new thinking;
• Creates self-development;
• Promotes focused and results-oriented action.

“Your brain is extremely happy on auto pilot because it learns from experience. The difficulty arises when you experience new challenges, need to solve new problems, or your competitors initiate new thoughts and strategies. Neuro coaching is the outside force that helps your brain create the ability to make new changes into experiences – and part of auto pilot.”

Your coach supports you in achieving a personal or professional goal, by focusing on specific tasks and objectives. Neuro coaching is based on scientific research into the human brain and how it functions.

We have learned more about the brain in the past two decades than in all of human history. A good deal of what we are learning is surprisingly counter-intuitive. With a solid understanding of how the brain functions, and how to work with (instead of against) it, a coach’s results can be spectacular.

Working with knowledge of how the brain functions, enables a coach to create foundational change that results in longer-lasting behaviour change and results.

Brain-based coaching provides you with a focused effort aimed at reaching your goals. It creates an environment in which you create your own thinking space. It deepens your thinking so you gain new insights into the influences that hold you back or keep you in a mental loop where opportunities are missed due to restrictive views.

Areas in which neuro coaching can help you become more effective:

• How to get rid of feeling overwhelmed;
• How to make tough decisions;
• How to communicate more efficiently;
• How to find balance: personal and professional well-being;
• How to solve personal and professional problems and frustrations;
• How to get rid of a lack of vision;
• How to solve time mismanagement:
• Getting stuck on day to day tasks, but never get to work on what really matters;

To Understand the Advantages

of Neuro Coaching, you need to know that:

The brain is a connection machine – it uses plasticity to rewire itself in response to changing behavioural conditions
No two brains are the same – genetic and non-genetic influences affects the functioning, but also the anatomy of the brain. Brains are like fingerprints.
The brain sees the world according to its own wiring
The brain hardwires everything – old habits or influential experiences are hard wired into the brain;
It’s impossible to deconstruct the brain’s hardwiring – thinking about the problem strengthens the problem. It’s more effective to think about the solution.
It is easy to create new wiring – the brain saves experiences, so it is natural for the brain to create new hardwiring.

The Benefits

A neuro coach uses these insights to create lasting benefits.

These benefits include:
• an improved sense of direction;
• increased self-awareness;
• improved ability to influence people;
• improved confidence and motivation;
• increased productivity;
• increased resourcefulness.

Neuro coaching leans on helping people to understand their fight-or-flight response to change. Once you understand and accept that, your coach uses self-directed learning, focusing on solutions, challenging your brain to create new wiring, reinforcing the positive and improve thinking based on your agenda.

Brain based coaching puts your brain in a state where your brain is ready to explore new ideas without feeling threatened by change. This enables you to explore, discover and define your vision. It gives you an understanding of your limiting beliefs by acknowledging the fear centre of the brain and integrates your goals with your core values.

My coaching approach will:

• help you generate new thinking;
• enhance self-development;
• promote focused attention;
• make you more engaged at work;
• make you more productive;
• make you happier and healthier.

Is coaching right for me?

It turns out there are numerous problems in making it on your own. You might not notice the issues that are standing in your way or if you do, you don’t necessarily know how to fix them. And the result is that somewhere along the way, you stop improving.

A coach acts as your external eyes and ears, providing a more accurate picture of your reality. They notice the fundamentals. They observe your actions because it is the small things that matter.

Questions that may help you decide:

• Am I working on specific, structured goals at the moment?
• Do I or don’t I know what I am moving towards in my life or organisation?
• What is going well in my life or organisation that I would like to expand or build on?
• What would I want to change in my life?

Do you want to experience lasting change?